Filson Tin Packer Hat Otter Green destockage
Filson Tin Packer Hat Otter Green destockage
Filson Tin Packer Hat Otter Green destockage
Filson Tin Packer Hat Otter Green destockage

Filson Tin Packer Hat Otter Green destockage

38,40 €

Filson Tin Packer Hat Otter Green

Filson's iconic Tin Cloth Packer Hat offers durable water and wear protection, with an insulated crown for warmth. For wind protection, the earflaps are lined with pure virgin wool. Additionally, side grommets provide breathable comfort.

  • Earflaps lined with 100% virgin wool sourced from the USA
  • Insulated crown for warmth and comfort
  • Ventilating grommets provide breathability
  • 2-1/4″-wide brim
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